Production & Maintenance Technician

Production & Maintenance Technician

Ozone Tech Systems Ots AB

About job:

Job description.

As Production & Maintenance Technician at Mellifiq, you are based at our premises in Hägersten, Stockholm and work with production & assembly, maintenance as well as installations, commissioning and repairs of our cleantech products and systems that are pushing the barrier of what is state-of-the-art.

We value thoughts and comments about our processes and products as we constantly strive for improvement, both within the organization and in the field.

Candidate profile.

You are a driven and curious person with a genuine interest in technology and enjoy tasks of a problem-solving nature.

You are used to working independently, you are structured and comfortable with complying with company guidelines, processes and routines and meticulous with an eye for details.

You are service-minded and have good communication skills as you may also be in contact with the Company’s customers and suppliers.

You like developing as a person and feel stimulated by new challenges that may arise in your work. You are comfortable and used to take responsibility as well as being a real team player.


  • University degree in science, technology or other relevant area
  • Basic understanding of electricity, control and regulation technology and mechanics
  • Swedish driver’s license
  • Can communicate well in English


  • Experience in digital case management systems
  • Experience in plumbing, ventilation and process automation
  • Electrician authorization and/or professional electrician training


Interested? Send in your application containing your resume and personal letter by filling in the form below. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you find this job opening interesting or have any questions.

Applications are only reviewed when sent through our application form below. Applications are reviewed continuously, and the position may be filled at any time.

How to apply

Apply through: apply before Sunday, June 16th, 2024 11:59 pm


Elektravägen 53
Stockholms län

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